Monday, February 1, 2010

Definition and Meaning of Hilot

The term HILOT refers to three ideas:

Traditionally, the term hilot refers to the system of physical manipulation employed by our traditional medicine practitioners such as the Manghihilot and the Magpapaanak.

There is no distinct characteristic for Filipino system of physical manipulation. The principle or system of physical manipulation varies from region to region or a Manghihilot to a Manghihilot depending on the theory, knowledge, training and know-how of the practitioner. Thus, the system of hilot in Mountain Province is different from the system of hilot in Antique; the system of one Manghihilot may be different from the system of another Manghihilot although they live in the same place. Some parameters however must be clear - the system is passed from a previous generation; the system works; it is of Filipino origin and not simply a copy of other alternative practices like Shiatsu, Swedish massage or acupressure; and the practitioners are recognized and acknowledged in their community to have the ability to bring about healing.

In this modern age however, open minded and theoretical Manghihilots upgrade their knowledge by attending seminars, doing research works or view in the internet different system of physical manipulations uploaded by some generous professional practitioners. Thus, a system which is passed from the previous generations is modified according to scientific theory about the human body. Today, a modern Manghihilot explains healing in terms of venous flow, blood circulation, musculo-skeletal process, neurotransmitters and drainage of metabolic waste.

The word hilot also refers to a Magpapaanak, a folk medicine practitioner who assists mothers in the delivery of their children.

By virtue of physical manipulation she employs to mothers before and after childbirth, the Magpapaanak is also called as hilot.

Today the word hilot takes a wider and more profound meaning. It does not only refer to a Filipino system of physical manipulation or to the identity of Magpapaanak but as a name for the Filipino traditional art of healing.

As a traditional art of healing, hilot is a synthesis of Filipino folk medicine. It preserves the folk medicine practices that have been validated by experience to be safe, effective and beneficial to health. Hilot leaves the metaphysical folk medicine practices to the indigenous specialist as these practices may have a hard time standing in the scientific community. Then again, just as the system of physical manipulation varies from region to region or Manghihilot to a Manghihilot, the synthesis of traditional healing varies from organization to organization or from a practitioner to a practitioner. The parameters however should remain clear if hilot has to remain as a genuine Filipino traditional art of healing – the synthesis and philosophy must come from Filipino tradition beliefs and practices. It would be preposterous to explain hilot concept of health and illness in terms of Ayurvedic philosophy or Greek concepts, or in terms of man as a swirling mass of electrons, since these things are inexistent in Filipino traditional concept of health and illness. Hilot lecturer and trainer ought to be faithful to his tradition and history and not to grandstand with the knowledge he learns from other healing modality just to impress his listeners.

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