Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It is easy to spot a genuine advocacy from a lip service; a goodness within from a show-off. I made a lot of research because I believe that when I know something that can help I'd be willing to share them with others. Life is too short to be selfish.

Sunday, January 24, 2010



Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a viral infection characterized by a high fever in the first 2 to 3 days and is usually accompanied by gastritis, severe headache, and nausea and vomiting. This is followed by a drop on the platelet and WBC count, high lymphocytes differential and hemorrhagic manifestations entering the toxic stage that usually starts on the 3rd or 4th day of the ailment and has duration of about 3 days.

The toxic stage naturally commences with a sudden drop of fever - something that gives a false sense of security as a patient may look to have recovered from fever. Care for the patient should be continued as fever of a DHF patient simply goes into remission at the start of the toxic stage. It is during this stage that hemorrhagic bleeding can occur if proper care is inadequate. Clinically, the toxic stage is the period when the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries become excessively permeable and leaky, allowing the fluid component to escape from the blood vessels into the peritoneum or pleural cavity that can either lead to ascites or pleural effusions. This can result to failure of the circulatory system and shock, and possibly death without prompt and appropriate treatment.


There is no specific medication for treatment of a dengue infection. Patient who suffers high fever and is suspected to be suffering from dengue should use analgesics (pain relievers) with acetaminophen and avoid those containing ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin or aspirin containing drugs (These drugs thin the blood and can encourage and aggravate hemorrhagic bleeding). Patient should also rest, drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and avoid mosquito bites while febrile since it is during this time that mosquito can pick up the virus and pass it to a new host.

If a clinical diagnosis is made early, a health care provider can effectively treat DHF using fluid replacement therapy. Adequate management of DHF generally requires hospitalization.

Mitigating the DHF (Altenative and Modern Outlook)

o Tawa-tawa Tea or Camote tops tea at the onset of fever – Tawa-tawa and Camote tops are traditionally known to raise platelet count; hence, it would be wise to immediately give the patient tea made of either Tawa-tawa or Camote tops at the onset of fever. This is to avoid the platelet from going down to an alarming low count should the fever is indeed due to DHF.

o Frequent but moderate fluid intake – (Tawa-tawa or Camote tops tea should serve as the patient’s water) Fluid intake is necessary to avoid complication, however, since dizziness and vomiting usually accompany high fever it is advisable to give the patient fluid frequently but in moderate amount to avoid inducing vomit reflex.

o Lugaw diet and Rest – Hemorrhagic bleeding is one dreaded complication that ought to be avoided from happening to a dengue patient, hence acidic foods and drinks or anything that induces secretion of acidic enzymes such as protein and fats should be eliminated from the diet. Fruits and anything raw have enzymes in them and therefore should also be eliminated from the diet. Reason: Acidic foods, foods that induce secretion of acidic enzymes and foods which have natural enzymes in them can cause lesion to the gastro-intestinal tract that can result to hemorrhagic bleeding.

It is safe then to reduce the patient’s diet to “Lugaw” since starch or carbohydrates need only a neutral enzyme in amylase to digest them. It is wise too to give the patients food in small amount to avoid stretching the stomach and most importantly to avoid vomit reflex.

Rest is also a very important factor in the proper care of a dengue patient. Getting the patient to sleep or keep him immobile during the toxic stage when the capillaries are extremely fragile and leaky is a critical factor in avoiding any complications that can result to hemorrhagic bleeding, ascites or pleural effusions.


DENGUE cannot be ascertained until the patients blood is checked for platelet and WBC count. It is therefore wise to bring the patient to the hospital for check-up on the third day of fever however mild the fever is. We have to note that the 3rd or 4th day of dengue fever is the critical stage where the fever may go into remission and can give an impression that the patient has recovered from sickness. In the case of dengue, the sudden drop of fever does not mean recovery but the start of the toxic stage where complications may develop if the patient is not properly taken cared. A Hematology that yields a platelet count below 200, WBC count below normal, and a high lymphocyte differential count is an indication that the patient is at risk of dengue or DHF. A follow-up blood test that shows further drop on the platelet count is a confirmation of a dengue case. Hospital confinement then is required for further observation and rehydration.

During confinement, a doctor may advise that the patient can eat anything except the colored foods because colored food may interfere with the color of the stool which is vital in monitoring the patient for GI bleeding. I stand however with the theory that the safest way to avoid complications such as hemorrhagic bleeding is to avoid foods that can induce secretion of acidic enzymes which can cause lesion to the GI tract. Thus in my outlook, it is wise to put the patient in “Lugaw” diet, avoid meat, fats, acidic foods and drinks including raw foods.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, or body’s cell becoming resistant to insulin.


Type I Diabetes (IDDM – Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)
The pancreas of a Type I Diabetic produces too little insulin or does not produce insulin at all to enable the body to use glucose (blood sugar). As a result sugar accumulates in the blood and tissues causing damage to the different organs of the body. Those afflicted with type 1 diabetes, need insulin either orally or by injection.

Type II Diabetes (NIDDM – Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)
The pancreas of a Type II Diabetic produces insulin but the body’s cells do not respond to it efficiently, a case called insulin tolerance. As a result, glucose floods the blood for an extended time beyond normal. Flooding of glucose in the blood can cause damage to the capillary walls, lining of the artery and tissues of glands. Those afflicted with type 2 diabetes must control their sugar intake and avoid diet habit that leads to insulin resistance that cause sudden surge and flooding of blood sugar in their system.


  • High blood pressure & Visual disturbance
  • Frequent thirst and passing excessive amount of urine
  • Itching around the genital organ
  • Pins and needles and numbness of the hands and feet
  • Elevated blood triglycerides

Diseased pancreas or damage to the part of the pancreas that produces insulin (Islet of langerhans) (Type 1 Diabetes)
(Occasional “bangungot” or nightmare can be an indication of pancreatic problem)

Insulin Tolerance (Type 2 Diabetes)
Secretion of insulin is a body’s normal reaction to neutralize the amount of glucose in the blood. Dietary habit high in refined sugar can result to a sudden surge of glucose in the blood that in turn stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin in high amount. Chronic exposure of the body to a high level of insulin can cause the cells to decommission their insulin recognition system, a case called insulin tolerance or resistance (Comparative Guide to Natural Supplements).

 Saturated Fats + Refined Sugar + Genetic predisposition
Careless indulgence on saturated fats and refined sugar laden foods and drinks, coupled with genetic predispostion (meaning at least one of the parents carries the deoxyribonucleic acid that can decomission the insulin receptor sites of the cells when one reaches a particular age) may eventually make one hyperglycemic. What have fats got to do with blood sugar? Studies showed that high triglyceride levels in the blood interfere with the function of insulin, and since saturated fats naturally raise the levels of triglycerides, it is therefore marked as one of the main factors behind diabetic mellitus. Refined sugar was found out to bring the same effect - it does not only raise the levels of blood sugar but also of the triglyceride levels.


Diabetes is a disease that affects the entire body and alters the metabolism that regulates many different functions. Extra glucose in the blood can attach to molecules of different proteins in the body and in doing so alters the shapes and surfaces of these protein molecules . For proteins to function normally they must maintain their specified shapes and surfaces, otherwise the body cannot use them(Mcdougall's Medicine, 207). Some of the damages to the body caused by sugar attachments to protein are:
  • alteration of the hemoglobin, resulting to decreased delivery of oxygen to all tissues that in turn causes gradual damage to the different organs of body that usually starts at the capillaries of the eyes and  lower extremities.
  • distortion of nerve and kidney proteins, causing damage to sensory neurons and the kidney (this is the reason why diabetics' first signs of complication are kidney failure and  numbness or lack of feeling on their extremities; and
  • alteration of cholesterol-triglyceride-protein packets called lipoproteins, thereby causing atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Saturated fats as well as refined sugar can raise the level of triglycerides which in turn interfere with the activity of insulin; while monounsaturated fats lower triglycerides and control levels of blood sugar.

Moderate and regular exercise can increase cell’s sensitivity to insulin. Exercise like brisk walking , although moderate must make a person perspire in order to activate the insulin recognition system of the cells. Wearing of sweat shirt while doing the exercise can do the trick.

 SOLUBE FIBER + Magnesium, Vit C and other Antioxidants
Several studies have shown that complex carbohydrates and foods high in soluble fiber (Vegetables, beans and starches (like brown rice) can restore cell's sensitivity to insulin and can prevent sudden surge of blood sugar level). Magnesium, Vit C, other antioxidants like Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Manganese, Selenium, and a number of phytonutrients can slow down the degenerative effects of diabetes to the different organs of the body.


Ampalaya as tea and food - several studies have already validated that ampalaya normalizes blood sugar by encouraging the pancreas to secrete more insulin.

Banaba tea - the same with ampalaya this herbal medicine has been proven to normalize blood sugar level.

Regular hilot (Study of Harvard Medical School showed that regular massage can normalize blood sugar)

                            LET ME HELP YOU HOW.  CALL OR TEXT 0918-4805349


Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Hilot in the Contemporary World

I. Hilot Philosophy

Hilot preserves the traditional medical concepts and practices that have been validated by experience to be safe, effective and beneficial to health.

Use of validated herbal medicines, concept of pasma, concept of hot and cold syndrome, practice of suob for a mother who just delivered a baby, use of herbs when taking a bath after a long bout with ailments and employing hilot (physical manipulation) to “sala” (muscle spasm or pinch nerve due to pasma) are some of the medical concepts and practices that Hilot would like to preserve.

Hilot preserves the use of organic and natural medicine.

Hilot today, continues to adhere to the use of natural medicine. It has been proven by experience that some modern medicines while effective to a particular ailment can cause adverse consequences to the other organs of the body resulting to a new ailment. Chemical antacid for instance can bring immediate relief for hyper-acidity but its prolong use can cause damage to the kidney.

Hilot is open to the findings of scientific research and study.

Hilot today still holds that there are indeed sickness and ailments caused by supernatural elements; however, it also acknowledges scientific findings that some ailments which were formerly believed to be supernaturally caused are actually ailments with scientific explanations.

Furthermore, Hilot today makes use of scientific findings to push the use of herbs that were found to be safe and effective and get rid of the herbs that were found by scientific research and study to be harmful or can cause adverse condition in the long run. (Betel nuts and ikmo for instance were found to have carcinogenic substances)

Hilot is open to development but it remains faithful to the basic physical manipulation techniques and healing practices employed by our traditional and indigenous Manghihilot.

Hilot believes that getting one’s essential faculties (mind, body, and emotion) in harmony with one’s “being” is essential in maintaining and promoting health.
Hilot looks at the “being” of man as human and rational being endowed with dignity and reason. Harmonizing one’s thoughts, feelings and actions with his being - brings peace and serenity and therefore promotes health; while going against one’s being brings inner chaos and causes ailment. Sincerity, truthfulness, respect, commitment, joyful disposition, responsibility are positive values that promotes health; while ill will, arrogance, treachery, dishonesty, envy bring out negative emotions that cause ailment.

Contemporary Hilot practitioners leave the use of “oracion” and rituals to folk medicine specialists.

II. Contemporary Hilot Processes

Bio-chemical process
Bio-chemical process refers to the used of herbs and advice on diet that can help cleanse the body of metabolic waste and create bio-chemical processes that can improve the functions of the different systems of the body.

Use of sambong tea for instance can help the body get rid of uric acid; adding ampalaya to the diet creates a bio-chemical process that encourages the pancreas to secrete insulin.

 Neuro-electrical process
Our traditional Manghihilot explains that body current must continue to flow in order for the body to function normally. Cough and colds are due to the blockage of body current that flows through the lungs, hence by restoring the flow of current, cough and colds are eliminated. Contemporary hilot explains that neuro-electrical process refers to the application of pressure and strokes to the body’s nerve points (hilot points) in order to encourage the body to release natural body chemicals that control pain and promote healing. Neuro-electrical process also refers to the technique of stimulating nerve points to encourage the nervous system to produce more neurotransmitters to enhance its function. Harvard Medical School’s research and study on Swedish massage showed that massage increases the production of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that give the feeling of esteem and sense of well-being.

Musculoskeletal process
Musculoskeletal process refers to the application of hilot strokes to the muscles and skeletal joints with distinct direction to effectively drain the body of metabolic wastes that cause muscle and joint pains. Lactic acid that causes fatigue; uric acid that can form into crystals; cortisol, a steroid hormone that can cause muscle wasting, urea, phosphates are harmful metabolic wastes that are drained out of the body through musculoskeletal hilot process.

Vascular-lymphatic process
Vascular-lymphatic process refers to application of hilot strokes that aid venous and lymphatic flow. This process improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation that aids the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body and cleansing of body wastes. Drinking herbal tea (sambong tea) before and after the hilot routine can further enhance blood circulation and draining process.

 Value process
This is the process of clarifying one’s values as human and rational being.

Hilot believes that serenity and peace promote health because they bring joy to the human spirit, calm the body, relax the heart, prevent unhealthy hormonal secretion and encourage healthy bio-chemical process.

However, one can only be in peace and inner harmony if he lives in accordance with his dignity and nature as a human being. It is because of this reason why clarifying one’s values is a part of the hilot process.

Joyful disposition, sincerity, truthfulness, responsibility, respect, faith, hope and love are some of the values that promote peace and inner harmony because they are the values and virtues that one ought to have as a human being.

On the other hand ill will, hatred, envy, hypocrisy and other negative emotions are unhealthy and bring inner chaos because they are not in harmony with the nature and dignity of man as human and rational being. We ought to get rid of these emotions to stay healthy both in mind and body.

III. Hilot Strokes

Basic Strokes:

     Thumb gliding strokes (short and long strokes)
     Finger and palm gliding strokes

     Thumb press-and-hold
     Palm press-and-hold

     Thumb-press in walking motion
     Palm-press in walking motion

     Thumb circular motion (with & without gliding)
     Finger circular motion (with & without gliding)

     Rhythmic grasping and pressing

Let members of your household be trained of the Basic Hilot Techniques that can greatly improve blood circulation, effectively drain the body of painful metabolic waste,  get rid of migraine attacks, restore and improve function of the nervous system, strengthen the respiratory system, and restore the body's sensitivity to insulin (for Type II Diabetes)

(Php 2,000 for whole day (8hrs.) training at the comfort of your home)



Hilot is a Filipino traditional art of healing derived from our folk system of medicine that existed long before the coming of the Spaniards and the introduction of modern medicine. To understand hilot, it is imperative that we look into the general concepts of our folk system of medicine.

I. Folk Medicine General Concepts of Health and Illness (Late 60’s to early 70’s)

The following are general principles observed by our folk system of medicine in understanding health and illness.

A. Nature (“Panahon”: Time, Season, Weather Conditions) influences man’s health
Filipino traditional medicine believes that time and condition of nature greatly influence the health of the person. To remain healthy, one must learn to abide by the law of nature or at least know how to deal with the changes in the weather condition that can affect his health. The following are some of the popular concepts that support this view:
 “Taking a bath in the morning improves one’s health; while taking a bath in the afternoon most especially when the sun is about to set, can make a person anemic.”
 “There are ailments which are seasonal in nature, when it is their time to come, one will just have to be ready to deal with them.” Cough and colds, sore eyes, mumps are some of the ailments which are looked upon as seasonal in nature.
 “Rheumatic pain attacks when it is about to rain.” Lolo’s and Lola’s can’t do anything but get ready with their “oil” when it is about to rain.

B. Hot and Cold Syndrome adversely affects man’s health
Filipino traditional medicine believes that hot and cold elements affect one’s health. Illness is caused by hot or cold elements that enter the body through the pores of the skin, food consumed, air or vapor inhaled that cause imbalance or disequilibrium inside the body. Here are some of our traditional “hot and cold syndrome” concepts.

 “Usbong ng lupa” right after a rainfall can cause nausea or headache.”
 “Eating “cold” fruits in the morning can cause stomach discomfort or indigestion;
 “Over-eating of “hot” fruits or food can cause skin rashes.”
 “Washing of hands and feet, or taking a bath when one is tired (a tired body is hot) can cause pasma syndrome, a condition characterized by unsteadiness of nerves and muscles of the afflicted parts of the body.”
 “Going to sleep while the hair is still wet can cause the heat to come up to the head and may result to insanity”
 “Drinking cold water or fruit juice considered “cold” like buko juice, when one has fever can cause further imbalances to the system.”
 “One, who just had a bout with severe sickness such as typhoid fever, influenza and the likes, must mix the water with boiled herbs when taking a bath for the first time to protect himself from pasma.

C. There are Discomforts or Ailments that are caused by Supernatural Elements
Filipino folk medicine believes that there are discomforts and illnesses which are caused by supernatural elements. The following are some of the examples of these cultural beliefs:
Usog - is a strong “hot breath” possessed by a person with inherently strong life-force that can cause to others a discomfort characterized by stomachache, nausea and headache. Based on experience, one who has usog can cause discomfort to those whose life-force is naturally weak most especially the children.
Nalamang lupa – is a discomfort caused by earth dwellers if they’re disturbed in their daily activities. Sweeping the floor or ground with the use of walis ting-ting after the sun has set can disturb the earth dwellers.
Naengkanto – is not really a physical ailment but a person who has an engkanto for a friend or acquaintance shows strange behavior as he talks to someone only he or she can see.
Nabarang – is an ailment caused by a sorcerer called the Mambabarang, who uses insects in inflicting harm to their victim. The Mambabarang can instruct the insects to enter the body of an intended victim either through his anus, ear or nose.
Nagaway – an ailment caused by a Manggagaway through manikaan and palipad hangin. The Manggagaway can make a person lose his mind; make a woman pregnant and make her deliver a fish or a lizard baby.
Namatanda – is a discomfort or ailment caused by a disturbed or offended “nuno sa punso”. It is widely believed that an “old dwarf”, “kama-kama” to the Ilonggo, resides by an anthill. It is not an uncommon practice for a Filipino to say “tabi-tabi po” when passing by an ant hill “punso” or pee in an unfamiliar place lest he offends the dweller.
Natabang / Nakitang – an ailment caused by Manugtabang or Manugkitang, called in general as Manughiwit by the Hiligaynon. Manugtabang is known to cause the bloating of stomach of their victim; while Manugkitang used fin of the fish called kitang, to inflict harm to their victim.

II. Folk System of Medicine Specialists or Practitioners

Common Essential Attributes:
- Use of rituals and prayer (a genuine specialist possesses a “librita”, a small book)
- Claim of access to supernatural power
- Acknowledged and recognized in their community to have the ability to heal
The Albularyo – is a general practitioner. He is sought for his ability to deal the case of the victims of sorcery, witchcraft and earth dwellers. At the time of the Spaniards, they were called herbolario due to their vast knowledge on herbal medicines.
The Manghihilot – specialist in fractured bone, sprain, dislocated joints, pinched nerves and other “sala” (generic term for muscle, bones, and joint discomfort)
The Magpapaanak (local midwives) – trained and experienced practitioners who assist mothers in the delivery of their children. Their practice includes hilot to correct inverted uterus, pre-natal hilot to position the baby for easy delivery, post-natal hilot and “suob” to hasten the healing recovery of the mother.
Magluluop (Diviners) / Magtatawas – specialists in divining and diagnosing illness through rituals and prayers

III. Folk Medicine and Meaning of Hilot
The coming of modern medicine with its scientifically verifiable claims; and our government, finally regulating the professional system of medicine, has relegated the practice of folk medicine to the remote areas of our country. Furthermore, ailments which were formerly diagnosed as supernaturally caused, were given scientific explanation, thus reducing folk system of diagnosis and healing to a mere practice of quackery.

Despite the labeling however, folk system of medicine survived and continued to help saving the lives of people in the provinces and remote areas. Peasants with cases of lung problems, diarrhea, skin diseases, sprain and fracture, muscular dystrophy, urinary problems, arthritis and a lot of common diseases were cured and had survived through traditional approach. Claims and testimonies were even made that what advanced medicine failed to cure, were healed through traditional medicine.

This simply shows that our traditional medicine still has something to offer in this modern world. Old fashioned but safe and effective traditional medical practices has to be preserved and developed more so now that recorded side effects and complications brought about by antibiotics and unnecessary modern medicine have started to mount.

This is how HILOT as we use it today is born. The word, used to refer only to the physical manipulation employed by the Manghihilot or to the identity of Magpapaanak. At present it carries a wider and more profound meaning. HILOT today refers to the Filipino traditional art of healing - a synthesis from the Filipino folk system of medicine. Its aim is to preserve, develop and promote Filipino traditional medicine and medical practices that have been validated by experience to be safe, effective and beneficial to health.


Sunday, January 3, 2010



Arteriosclerosis is the degeneration, hardening and narrowing of the arterial walls due to plaques which are mostly made of fats and cholesterol deposits.


Calcium deposit due to magnesium deficiency in the diet.
In the absence or deficiency of magnesium, a diet high in calcium and oxalate can lead to the formation of an indissoluble compound that can deposit on the walls of the artery. (Nutrition Almanac, p64)

Meals heavy on fats, cholesterol and trans fatty acids
Deposits or plaque on the walls of the artery can start as early as age eight with meals heavy on fats and cholesterol

Deficiency of antioxidant vitamins
Fats and cholesterol are easily oxidized and are converted into free radicals in the absence of antioxidants (most especially Vit C, Vit E and Beta-carotene). Oxidized fats and cholesterol aggravate and hasten the formation of plaques on the arterial walls.

High level of homocysteine in the blood
Dr. McCully’s study and present findings show that homocysteine is the major factor that causes lesions on the arterial walls that result to the development of arteriosclerosis. Foods known for its homocysteine content are red meat and pasteurized milk.


Excess glucose in the system are stored as fats in the muscle tissues including the heart muscle and vascular membrane)

AVOID SATURATED FATS, CHOLESTEROL and TRANS FATTY ACIDS (Chicheria and processed foods are loaded with trans fatty acids) – fats, cholesterol and trans fatty acid can cause blood coagulation, aggravate arteriosclerosis and cause thrombosis that can lead to fatal heart attack or strokes

EAT SOLUBLE FIBERS to lower your blood cholesterol, VEGETABLES and FRUITS for your antioxidants and PHYTOCHEMICAL-containing foods to protect the health of the blood vessels

ENGAGE IN DAILY MODERATE EXERCISE (Tai chi, stretching, walking) – moderate exercise safely improves blood circulation, reduces weight, lowers triglycerides and strengthens heart muscles

CUT DOWN ON SALT – salt causes the body to hold water that can trigger blood pressure to rise which can further damage the artery

GET YOUR RDA of Vit C (500–1000mg); Magnesium (350–400mg); Folate (400mcg); B6 (2-50mg); B12 (2mcg) and Potassium (2500mg)- These vitamins and minerals are antioxidants that can prevent oxidation of fats and cholesterol and can neutralize homocysteine level in the blood.

- Vit C or Ascorbic Acid (from guava and citrus fruits) is a basic protection of the cell membrane which is made of fatty substance against free radical attack
- Magnesium (from bananas, spinach, sweet potatoes, soy beans, kidney beans, peanuts, brown rice, sesame seeds, wheat germ) – for the prevention of calcium-oxalate deposit
- Folate (B9) (from spinach, asparagus, lentils, soybeans, oatmeal, green peas, okra, oranges, papayas, seaweeds, strawberries, wheat germ and green leafy vegetables) – lowers homocysteine level in the blood by converting it to methionine
- B6 (from salmon, potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, lentils, tomato, brown rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, peanut butter, tofu, watermelon, avocado, strawberries (liver is the best source of B vitamins but is not recommended because it is loaded with fats and cholesterol)) – to help the body convert homocysteine to amino acids cysteine and taurine
- B12 (from clams, oysters, fish most especially tuna and salmon) – works with folate in converting homocysteine into amino acid methionine
- Potassium (from bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, papayas, avocado, spinach, carrots, beans, mushrooms, watermelon, oranges) gets rid of excess sodium that can raise blood pressure (when potassium is low the body retains sodium; when potassium is high the body gets rid of sodium). Potassium is also important for the health of the cardiac muscles.

AVOID REFINED SUGAR - study has found out that this empty calorie raises the levels of triglycerides


DHA (Docosahexanoic acid); EPA (Eicosapentanoic acid) known as Omega 3 – several studies showed that DHA and EPA lower LDL (Low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, raise HDL (High density lipoprotein) cholesterol, prevent blood coagulation and lower triglyceride levels. (Sources: Tuna, salmon, mackerel)
VIT. E – Protects the health of the blood vessels; Acts as blood thinner; Lowers cholesterol (Supplement: Wheat germ oil)

TRADITIONAL and Revolutionary Remedy

Garlic – contains allicin that prevents blood coagulation, lower LDL and Homocysteine
Red Wine – alcohol increases HDL and prevents blood clot; red wine contains resveratrol, a flavonoid that acts as antioxidant (Food Cures, p140)
Tanglad Tea - believed to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides; (as part of the viand, tanglad neutralizes fats in food)
Young corn - as part of the food like bulalo, young corn absorbs cholesterol and fats
Ginger tea - prevents platelet coagulation

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Arthritis refers to any disease that involves inflammation of the joints.


OSTEOARTHRITIS - occurs when the cartilage covering the end of the bone deteriorates, causing the pain and swelling when the bones of the joints rub against each other.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS - an auto-immune disease where the body’s own immune system attacks the synovial membrane of the joints.
GOUTY ARTHRITIS - a form of arhtritis caused by crystal deposits made of urate at the joints as a result of uric acid overload in the body


Free radical formation is a natural occurrence in the body brought about by respiration. However, smoking, excessive alcohol, pollution, excessive exposure to sunlight and chemical toxins from food or even from medicine can aggravate their formation which subsequently can cause damage to the organs of the body and in the case of arthritis, the joints.

Free radicals are formed when atoms lose their electrons in bio-chemical process. Atoms with unpaired electrons are highly reactive, causing oxidation to cell membrane and eventually damaging the cell .
Presence of antioxidants in the body can prevent the radicals from causing damage to the membrane of the cell by offering their own electrons or by becoming part of the body’s enzymes that breakdown radicals before they can cause any damage to the cells and tissues. Absence of antioxidants leaves the body defenseless to cell damaging activity of free radicals resulting to the disease of the organs, premature aging, and different kinds of chronic ailments including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Diet high in trans fatty acids and food additives – trans fatty acids which are hydrogenized fats are pro free-radical fatty acids that can harm the joints; while food additives or preservatives are made of nitrites that the body can convert into nitrosamines, cell damaging and carcinogenic compounds (Family Medical, 218).
High salt intake + low water intake – high salt intake causes water retention as the body attempts to maintain the balance of water and salt in the system. Water retention does mean retention of toxic metabolic waste such as uric acid and urea that can lodge and deposit in the joints resulting to arthritis.


EXERCISE - Exercise does not only strengthen the joints but also relieves and drains the body of metabolic waste like uric acid, urea and phosphates.
AVOID ANIMAL FATS - Animal fats are high in cholesterol and saturated fats that can form into harmful prostaglandins that can aggravate joint inflammation.
AVOID FOODS HIGH IN TRANS FATTY ACID AND FOOD PRESERVATIVES – Trans fatty acids are hydrogenised fats and therefore pro free-radical fats, while food additives and preservatives which are made of nitrites can form into cell damaging and carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines.
EAT FOODS HIGH IN ANTIOXIDANTS - Antioxidants prevent oxidation that can cause damage to the organs of the body including the joints. Get your RDA of  Vit C - guava, citrus fruits, oranges; Beta-carotene - Sweet potato, papaya, carrots, squash, watermelon (Note: Nicotine and carrots combination can cause damage to the kidney and can form into carcinogenic compounds); Selenium - Tuna, oyster, tilapia, mushroom, wheat germ; Bioflavonoid and Quercetin - Onions, apples, grapes, tomato, red wine, grapefruits ; Phytochemicals - Vegetables and fruits (Food Cures, p161)
Purines are substances that give out metabolic waste called uric acid. Uric acid is believed to be the major cause of gouty arthritis. Foods loaded with purines are sardines, internal organs, beans, legumes, liver, beer, and peanuts.

IV. SUPPLEMENTS (Extract/Isolated Organic Chemicals)

COD LIVER OIL (Fish oil)
Source of Vit D that strengthens the joints
OMEGA 3 (DHA – Docosahexanoic acid; EPA – Eicosapentanoic acid)
These polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish oil (salmon, mackerel, tuna) can decrease inflammation and suppress production of cytokines and enzymes that erode the cartilage.
Supplements derived from sea shells; believed to strengthen and promote growth of cartilage
POLYPHENOLS – anti-inflammatory chemicals found in olive oil
GLA (Gamma linolenic acid) – polyunsaturated fats from evening primrose, borage oil and black currant


Pansit-pansitan tea - lowers levels of uric acid in the blood that causes gouty arthritis and triggers attacks of painful osteoarthritis
Sambong tea - serves as diuretic that hastens cleansing of the body of metabolic wastes that cause arthritis
Ginger (as poultice or tea)- traditionally used as anti-inflammatory medicine that alleviates pain caused by arthritic attacks


Friday, January 1, 2010


Gout is a formation of tiny crystals of urate that results from an overload of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods we eat most especially from internal organs, legume family foods, and sardines.
Tiny crystals formed from uric acid can deposit in tissues of the body, most especially the joints and can cause recurring attacks of joint inflammation. Chronic gout can lead to deposits of hard lumps of uric acid in and around the joints, formation of kidney stones, blockage of the kidney-filtering tubules and other conditions that may lead to kidney failure.
Hyperuricemia is a condition characterized by high levels of uric acid in the blood that shows no symptoms of arthritic condition or kidney problem.


 DRINK REQUIRED AMOUNT OF WATER EVERYDAY (at least 8 of eight-ounce glass of water everyday)
 AVOID FOOD LOADED WITH PURINES – liver, beans, sardines, internal organs, nuts, beers are loaded with purines
 MAKE BODY FLUID MORE ALKALINE – body fluid must maintain a ph balance of 7 (neutral ph balance), body fluid with ph balance lower than 7 is considered acidic and can trigger gout attacks. Drinking ionized water can make body fluid more alkaline. If ionized water is expensive then drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday

Water with more OH- ions is alkaline, water with more H+ ions is acidic, and water is neutral if they are equal.


SAMBONG TEA - traditionally, sambong is used for cleansing the body of uric and other metabolic waste that can cause gout, kidney stones and kidney failure
CORN SILK TEA – like sambong tea corn silk is a traditional medicine for gout and other kidney problems
BUKO JUICE - buko juice being an alkaline can greatly help if one's body fluid is acidic. To avoid fermentation buko juice has to be drunk right away after opening

Watery (thin) saliva is an indication that one’s system is acidic.