Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hilot in the Contemporary World

I. Hilot Philosophy

Hilot preserves the traditional medical concepts and practices that have been validated by experience to be safe, effective and beneficial to health.

Use of validated herbal medicines, concept of pasma, concept of hot and cold syndrome, practice of suob for a mother who just delivered a baby, use of herbs when taking a bath after a long bout with ailments and employing hilot (physical manipulation) to “sala” (muscle spasm or pinch nerve due to pasma) are some of the medical concepts and practices that Hilot would like to preserve.

Hilot preserves the use of organic and natural medicine.

Hilot today, continues to adhere to the use of natural medicine. It has been proven by experience that some modern medicines while effective to a particular ailment can cause adverse consequences to the other organs of the body resulting to a new ailment. Chemical antacid for instance can bring immediate relief for hyper-acidity but its prolong use can cause damage to the kidney.

Hilot is open to the findings of scientific research and study.

Hilot today still holds that there are indeed sickness and ailments caused by supernatural elements; however, it also acknowledges scientific findings that some ailments which were formerly believed to be supernaturally caused are actually ailments with scientific explanations.

Furthermore, Hilot today makes use of scientific findings to push the use of herbs that were found to be safe and effective and get rid of the herbs that were found by scientific research and study to be harmful or can cause adverse condition in the long run. (Betel nuts and ikmo for instance were found to have carcinogenic substances)

Hilot is open to development but it remains faithful to the basic physical manipulation techniques and healing practices employed by our traditional and indigenous Manghihilot.

Hilot believes that getting one’s essential faculties (mind, body, and emotion) in harmony with one’s “being” is essential in maintaining and promoting health.
Hilot looks at the “being” of man as human and rational being endowed with dignity and reason. Harmonizing one’s thoughts, feelings and actions with his being - brings peace and serenity and therefore promotes health; while going against one’s being brings inner chaos and causes ailment. Sincerity, truthfulness, respect, commitment, joyful disposition, responsibility are positive values that promotes health; while ill will, arrogance, treachery, dishonesty, envy bring out negative emotions that cause ailment.

Contemporary Hilot practitioners leave the use of “oracion” and rituals to folk medicine specialists.

II. Contemporary Hilot Processes

Bio-chemical process
Bio-chemical process refers to the used of herbs and advice on diet that can help cleanse the body of metabolic waste and create bio-chemical processes that can improve the functions of the different systems of the body.

Use of sambong tea for instance can help the body get rid of uric acid; adding ampalaya to the diet creates a bio-chemical process that encourages the pancreas to secrete insulin.

 Neuro-electrical process
Our traditional Manghihilot explains that body current must continue to flow in order for the body to function normally. Cough and colds are due to the blockage of body current that flows through the lungs, hence by restoring the flow of current, cough and colds are eliminated. Contemporary hilot explains that neuro-electrical process refers to the application of pressure and strokes to the body’s nerve points (hilot points) in order to encourage the body to release natural body chemicals that control pain and promote healing. Neuro-electrical process also refers to the technique of stimulating nerve points to encourage the nervous system to produce more neurotransmitters to enhance its function. Harvard Medical School’s research and study on Swedish massage showed that massage increases the production of dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that give the feeling of esteem and sense of well-being.

Musculoskeletal process
Musculoskeletal process refers to the application of hilot strokes to the muscles and skeletal joints with distinct direction to effectively drain the body of metabolic wastes that cause muscle and joint pains. Lactic acid that causes fatigue; uric acid that can form into crystals; cortisol, a steroid hormone that can cause muscle wasting, urea, phosphates are harmful metabolic wastes that are drained out of the body through musculoskeletal hilot process.

Vascular-lymphatic process
Vascular-lymphatic process refers to application of hilot strokes that aid venous and lymphatic flow. This process improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation that aids the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body and cleansing of body wastes. Drinking herbal tea (sambong tea) before and after the hilot routine can further enhance blood circulation and draining process.

 Value process
This is the process of clarifying one’s values as human and rational being.

Hilot believes that serenity and peace promote health because they bring joy to the human spirit, calm the body, relax the heart, prevent unhealthy hormonal secretion and encourage healthy bio-chemical process.

However, one can only be in peace and inner harmony if he lives in accordance with his dignity and nature as a human being. It is because of this reason why clarifying one’s values is a part of the hilot process.

Joyful disposition, sincerity, truthfulness, responsibility, respect, faith, hope and love are some of the values that promote peace and inner harmony because they are the values and virtues that one ought to have as a human being.

On the other hand ill will, hatred, envy, hypocrisy and other negative emotions are unhealthy and bring inner chaos because they are not in harmony with the nature and dignity of man as human and rational being. We ought to get rid of these emotions to stay healthy both in mind and body.

III. Hilot Strokes

Basic Strokes:

     Thumb gliding strokes (short and long strokes)
     Finger and palm gliding strokes

     Thumb press-and-hold
     Palm press-and-hold

     Thumb-press in walking motion
     Palm-press in walking motion

     Thumb circular motion (with & without gliding)
     Finger circular motion (with & without gliding)

     Rhythmic grasping and pressing

Let members of your household be trained of the Basic Hilot Techniques that can greatly improve blood circulation, effectively drain the body of painful metabolic waste,  get rid of migraine attacks, restore and improve function of the nervous system, strengthen the respiratory system, and restore the body's sensitivity to insulin (for Type II Diabetes)

(Php 2,000 for whole day (8hrs.) training at the comfort of your home)


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